Wednesday, April 15, 2009


She slept with my dog, also
my husband, but the dog
vexes me with his loyalty
shift, curling his head
upon her belly, her hand
absently stroking his soft
ears while they dream together -
foxes in the underbrush, bones
yet unchewed. He is mine, I want
him back, I would say, except
she might think I meant the man.
She can have him, but not my dog.

This poem came at the last minute when I saw a photo of a girl and a dog sleeping on a couch. I was sitting outside waiting to meet a friend, notebook in hand, frantic that I didn't have a poem to post, and I remembered the photo. Whew. So far I haven't had to cheat, but there are still 15 days left in the month.


  1. I am loving your poems, sorry I haven't commented yet but know I am reading faithfully every day! This one hit so close to home for me. I like when you put a little explanation about where your inspiration came from!

  2. Thanks for reading Becky! I added an explanation to today's post now. I always mean to do it, but sometimes I run out of time.

  3. What would "cheating" on a poem entail? Also, if you are needing a topic, go to my blog and follow the links in the post about Maddie. If her story isn't inspiration, I don't know what is, if you're into that kind of thing.

  4. Oh, cheating means I didn't write the poem in a day and had to use one from earlier in the semester is all.

    I did read about Maddie on your blog. It's hard for me to write about little kids for some reason, but I put some stuff in my notebook about her so we'll see what happens.

  5. I love this one, Brooke, I relate to this one very much!
